Who are we ?

We are a church that represent a community of believers brought together by the Lord Jesus to fulfil His Devine purpose mandate starting from Rustenburg and to the utmost parts of the world. It was in November of 2016 when the doors opened for this branch to start. We are a sister branch of Charis Missionary Church based in Midrand, Glen Austin under the leadership of our father in the Lord Apostle JB Makananisa and our spiritual mother Prophetess TE Makananisa. The pair were mentored by the late Pastor NL Khorommbi who founded Charis Missionary Church in Venda, Limpopo. Our missionary work is therefore guided by the vision which the Lord Jesus Christ gave to the late founder Pastor NL Khorommbi. He was instructed to write it down so that future generations will read it and know the plan of God for salvation. In his own words he said the Lord Jesus told him to make it clear and in executing the vision, he was to do everything BIG. He further reiterated several times the importance of making the vision a part of daily living not just a statement on paper, committed to memory.

He further went on to make known the plan of God to expand the missionary work of the church to international communities in foreign countries. He laid the pace by visiting several countries and today we see the strength of that same mission being fulfilled in the life of our spiritual parents Apostle and Prophetess Makananisa. Branches of Charis Missionary Church exist in International grounds across the continents of the world and to a people of colour and foreign language. Indeed the plan of God no one can stand against it and win. For this reason, the vision of the church is based on the scripture found in Titus 2:11.

To know more about us, read the vision and the mission statements together with our core aims and objectives.


Each of this pillars represent the core building blocks that sustain the ministries aimed at fulfilling the vision of the church.

  1. Worship

  2. Evangelism

  3. Discipling

  4. Fellowship

  5. Charity & Community service

Come and experience church with us

We believe that just as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman whom He met by Jacob’s well in John 4:23-24, true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and truth. For God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Christianity was never meant to be a life managed in the flesh. It is a spiritual walk with God. Therefore only those who are led by the Spirit are truly children of God. And so the Holy Spirit is the promise of the father to all who come to Him through believing that Jesus is the son of God and that salvation is possible only through believing in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Therefore every Christian is such only because of the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is not just an experience but He is the personality of God who dwells in a believer to teach, help, comfort and anoint. No one can be a true christian without Him.

Church is a place where you can come encounter Him and know Him more, the Holy Spirit.

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In future we plan to have newsletters that will be sent through email, so sign up if you would like to receive such correspondence and other updates about our church or services.

Worship experience

It is in Christ Jesus we live and move and have our being. He deserves our adoration, worship and praise.

Contact Us

You can get in contact with us by using one of the following contact details.

Email us at admin@cmc-r.org

Call or send message to us at +27822240116

Or, come and be with us in person for one of our services at
Rustenburg racetrack and show ground

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